Intercessory  Prayer   (in different languages)

Introductory Song:      He’s got the whold world in#83A

Celebrant :

 Merciful God and Father of all, wake us from the slumber of indifference, and open our eyes to the suffering of our migrant and refugee brothers and sisters.  Inspire us, as nations, communities and individuals, to see that those who come to our shores are our brothers and sisters as we gather around the table of the Eucharist.

Leader:  Let our response be:  LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER.

1. For Pope Francis, pastors and chaplains in the Church, that they may be encouraged by our prayers and support to lead God’s people in building a culture and a future that respects the human dignity of all migrants, we pray to the Lord. (African-American)

2. For the children who take action in their local communities to support and protect migrants and refugees and to advocate on behalf of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of creation, we pray to the Lord. (Indian)

3. For unaccompanied migrant children, that God protect them on their journey and safely reunite them with their families, we pray to the Lord. (Vietnamese)

4. For all people, that they may grow in their awareness of the issue of migration and become a voice in the public square calling for greater protections for these populations, we pray to the Lord. (Filipino)

5. For migrant workers, that they may labor in safe and just conditions, and that we who benefit from their labor may be truly grateful for what they provide, we pray to the Lord. (Pakistani)

6. For the United Nations and global organizations, that they be strengthened in their commitment to assist migrants and  refugee resettlements, we pray to the Lord. (Indonesian)

7. For refugees in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Latin America, Sudan, Palestine, and elsewhere who are who are forced to flee from their homes and experiencing great suffering, that God bring them to a place of peace and safety and bring peace to their country of origin, we pray to the Lord. (Hispanic)

CELEBRANT:  Father, listen to our prayers. We  recognize that we are one human family,  all migrants, journeying together in hope with Jesus who once was a migrant himself. May the Eucharist bring us ‘to act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly’ with one another for a world where Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, and Solidarity pervade, now and forever. Amen.

CLOSING SONG: Heal the world (you. Tube)

Sister Gertrudes Bores R.A

Philadelphia, USA



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