Associate member of Vivat International

The Religious of the Assumption have been engaged with Vivat International through the International JPIC Secretariat LSA/RA.

In 2012 as a congregation we became an Associate Member. This enables us to co-operated with the other congregations, especially,round issues of poverty and human rights, environment, women, migration and also indigenous people and HIV/Aids.

Vivat International​

Vivat International is a faith based Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) working to bring the voice of the grassroots to the United Nations where it is present through ECOSOC ( Economic and Social Council of the United Nations) by means of advocacy and lobbying, as well as working on the ground. it has consultative status. Witnesses and experiences from the grass roots when written up are greatly valued by ECOSOC. Religious orders are often well placed to know what is going on in placed of difficulty and poverty ; experiences can be shared where they need to be heard. Vivat International is at present working at National level and capacity building in many places in the world . First a Vivat workshop is arranged involving many congregations where issues can be identified.

Some issues are present in many countries, for instance mining. Experiences can then be brought together and presented to the UN. There are Vivat regional offices in New York and Geneva.

The word Vivat is derived from the Latin verb Vivere meaning `live’!... May all persons live, may all creation live !

Video on churches and mining in Latin America Churches and Mining in Latin America >> See